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Tuesday 5 August 2008

Keys to Responsible Recreation in the BackCountry

by: Chuck Fitzgerald
Having a good time is pretty high on everyone’s to do list, especially when surrounded by awesome views and super-awesome friends. We hike, bike, climb, camp, raft, fish, hunt, four-wheel, sleep and eat – among other things – in the backcountry. If not done properly, that’s a lot of wear and tear on our natural resources. Responsible recreation ensures future outdoor enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as you have. Without a recreation code of ethics, our backcountry would become a thing of the past. Here are some universally agreed upon keys for having a good time – the right way.
-Take only pictures, leave only footprints. If you carry it in, carry it out. This will eliminate litter.
-Protect water sources from contamination. Use bio-degradable soap, or try hot water soap-less dishwashing, bathing and clothes washing. When using soap (even bio-degradable) and toothpaste, dispose of the wastewater at least 100 feet away from natural water sources, well or faucet water sources.
-Be a good neighbor - control your noise and your pets. Always keep your dog on a leash no longer than 6 feet, and away from public swimming areas. Barking and not cleaning up after pets leads to many complaints from other outdoor enthusiasts. Do not leave pets unattended.
-Be respectful of the natural environment – keep the trees and shrubs alive and growing. Nails and wires should not be used on trees because they can cause serious damage to trees. Burn damage will permanently scar or kill a tree.
-When hiking or biking, stay on designated trails. This keeps damage to vegetation and erosion in one place.
-Before leaving your campsite, clean your fire pit and your campsite. Make it as clean as you would want it if you were arriving that day. The next user will appreciate it.
Leave-No-Trace,, offers the following Principles for Outdoor Ethics: Plan Ahead and Prepare, Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces, Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Campfire Impacts, Respect Wildlife and Be Considerate of Other Visitors.
Here is the Tread Lightly!,, pledge: Travel and recreate with minimum impact, Respect the environment and the rights of others, Educate yourself – plan and prepare before you go, Allow for future use of the outdoors – leave it better than you found it and Discover the rewards of responsible recreation.
Responsible recreation means having the common sense and the courtesy to enjoy the backcountry without spoiling someone else’s experience. Most outdoor enthusiasts understand this very well and spend a good deal of their time restoring, enhancing and conserving our backcountry. Have a good time when you’re outdoors, share these keys with your friends and use this information to Get It Right The First Time.
Get Outdoors!

Variety is the Spice of Life

by: Peter Jay
“Variety is the Spice of Life.” This is one of my favorite quotes, and how true it is. Is life not much better when it is filled with a “variety” of the things we like? Of course it is. It is inevitable that some things in your life will go wrong, so it is nice to have other things that you still enjoy to fall back on. Like investing, they always say, “Do not put all of your eggs in one basket.” The same goes for our personal lives. The way to be happy is to fill our lives with a “variety” of things that make us happy. If you have a variety of things that make you happy, this decreases the risk of becoming unhappy if just a few things go wrong. So, do not risk your happiness by not broadening your horizons and not finding and doing a variety of things that you enjoy. One way to fill your life with a variety of things is to get different hobbies. Hobbies can be as numerous as there are ideas. If you have an idea of something you would like to do, then go and do it.Many people do not fill their lives with the things or hobbies that they would like to do. Since it is so obvious that variety is the spice of life, what makes people not fill their lives with a variety of the things that make them happy? There are many explanations for this. Some are financial. People cannot afford to pay for all of the things they would like to do. Many people are tied down by debts; they have put on the golden handcuffs and cannot find a way out. This obviously impedes on their pursuit of recreational things. Another reason for people to not pursue personal hobbies or interests is a time constraint. People are so busy working or have other things to do that they just do not have time to pursue recreational activities.I have found, however, that if you just prioritize your time and money better, you should in the long term be able to pursue successfully, any interest or hobby you have. In fact, by pursuing personal interests outside of work, you can increase your effectiveness in the work place. Everyone needs a recreational break from working all the time. It improves morale and makes employees work more efficiently.Like I said, there are as many hobbies as there are ideas. There is not limit to what you can do if you just go after it. Hobbies by definition are recreational or leisure activities outside of one’s career or workplace. You can have hobbies that require exercise and can not just be something you enjoy, but they can keep you in shape as well, such as playing sports, mountain biking, lifting weights or working out. You can have hobbies that stimulate the mind, such as arts and crafts, chess or other board-games, reading clubs, crosswords, or other things. You can also have hobbies just to get away from things and take your mind off the world, such as playing the guitar or other musical instruments. Do not let money or time hold you back. Variety is the spice of life, and it is time to spice up your life a bit. Just sit down and think of anything you would like to do, anything you would like to pursue. Write it down. Write down how you can do it and what it will take, and then go after it. I have found that just half-an-hour a day of doing something can really make a difference. It might take some time to develop some new hobbies, but it will be worth it in the end. Find some new hobbies at Variety Access, your online hobby store and more.

Racing ATVs at any Level

by: Mitch Johnson
Those of you who enjoy riding all terrain vehicles as a sport know the wide spread competition among ATV racers. Some ATVers race their quads recreationally amongst their friends and others are much more serious racers. The serious ATV riders compete in races around the United States, some even around the world. These racers are most likely amateur or professional grade, meaning ATV racing is their life.Along with dirt bikes, ATV quads are a type of motocross racing in most cases. Other ATV riders race in cross country competitions, such as the tournament in Las Vegas where riders race miles across the Mojave Desert. In the ATVing and off road racing world, there are many already well established annual competitions in places such as Arizona and California, just to name a few. Each race, whether it is a traditional tournament or a newly established competition, will include a different ranking of racers. Some competitions are designated as professional races, where ATV riders are awarded the largest prizes of any competition for winning. Professional and high ranked competitions are, of course, the most popular, have the largest audience and contain the most rigorous racing trails.>From professional ATV racing, other types of tournaments taper down toamateur and recreational riders. All types of ATV racing competitions draw a large and diverse crowd of supporters and spectators. Racing ATVs is a very competitive sport among the participants, and even down to the smallest local races, riders are serious about their sport.No matter how diverse the varying types of ATV races may be, the diversity within any given ATV competition is greater. Within each ATV tournament many different types of riders are involved. Whether it is a single race or a series of races, riders are classified into racing groups, which are the riders they will be competing against essentially.The racing classifications are determined by different standards, depending on the rank of competition you are involved in. The type of ATV you drive, its capabilities and motor classification are the main determining factors in grouping ATV racers. In 2004 the standards and rules changed for which class you and your ATV fall in, and they will continue to change as administrators figure out what rules run the best races. As a result of the multiple classifications of ATV riders, there may be several first place winners in a single race if several classifications are racing the same track at the same time. The classes of riders are only the beginning of diversity within a race. The multiple types, styles and designs of ATVs are reason for the different classes, which creates even more variety in the sport.While the competition level among ATV racers is high, there are still those who are learning or they just enjoy racing recreationally. For these types of ATVers, you can find local trails or racing tracks. They will often coordinate ATV races with whatever riders are available and some tracks will plan a weekend tournament for all local riders.
Mitch Johnson is a successful freelance author that writes regularly for , a site that focuses primarily on spyware detection software, as well as tips on how to avoid spyware from popping up on your computer. His articles have also been featured on related spyware sites.

Flying Machine

by: Peter Jay
The invention of the flying machine changed humanity. It changed the way and the speed at which we travel. It made the world seem a little smaller as people and places in distant lands suddenly seemed much nearer by the lessened time it would take to reach them. It increased our communication between people and nations as they could travel across oceans and meet in person rather than communicating by letters or other non-personal means. Flying quickly became a recreational sport, an attractive career, and an appealing science. It lifted man into the skies, where before he only dreamt of going. It freed us from the confines of this earth upon which we live. Flight drastically changed the way wars are fought. Suddenly nations were no longer protected by standing armies at their borders. A plane could easily fly over their borders and attack a city deep in the heart of a country. Planes were merciless war machines dropping bombs on cities, respecting neither soldiers nor citizens. All were vulnerable and targets of the loads of bombs dropped by planes. Later other uses of airplanes were created, more recreational and sporty, such as the model airplane and the radio control airplane.The airplane model is a replica of the larger, real planes that are or were actually flown. From the first plane flown by the Wright Brothers to our modern aircraft and space shuttles, you can find model airplane replicas. The replicas consist of planes flown in all of the wars, from many different countries. Each country was always trying to outdo the others in their command of the skies. In the days of airplanes, if you controlled the skies, you controlled the war. This competition between countries led the quick development of a variety of different types of fighting military aircraft. The more effective types of planes were quickly adopted by all of the countries, however, and nations began selling airplanes to other nations, so that now many countries have similar sophisticated and modern military aircraft.With all of this in mind, a model airplanes hobby can obviously be, not just some little simple thing that people do, but it can teach about history and science. One can learn about modern military aircraft right alongside with the plane flown by the Red Baron in WWI. One can learn the evolution of the aircraft; the different types of planes and styles that countries developed and built upon or discontinued. Currently there are very many modern developers of airplanes. There are even more airlines that are supplied by these airplane manufacturers. If you are at all interested in aviation, what better way to start than to purchase your own model airplane and begin learning the history of airplanes?There are also radio control airplanes. This side of a model airplane hobby may focus more on the science and actual flight of airplanes. Model airplanes work according to the same laws of science and physics as a real airplane. They use the same laws of thrust and lift. The wings, tails, and propellers of a model all have to be built according to the same principles of flight. The model airplane can stall in the air or crash similar to real plane.Not surprisingly, the airplane and its offshoot developments are continuing to change humanity, from their wars, their communications, their travels and finally to their hobbies. Who knows what will happen next, where the airplane will lead us next. But it is obviously important to take a part in this continuing human experiment in aviation and flight, even if you just start with a model airplane or radio control airplane.

Quality of Life

by: Peter Jay
A new hobby can improve your quality of life. Think of it. A hobby is a recreational or leisure activity outside of you career or work place. It is something YOU are interested in, some YOU want to pursue. Would it not improve your quality of life to do the things that you enjoy? You should not be selfish in pursuing what you want, what you want can actually benefit others around you as well. You can think of activities to which you can invite others to come along. You can find activities and hobbies that not only improve your own quality of life, but others as well.People need a purpose in life, a reason to do things. I am not saying that hobbies are the ultimate purpose for living, but I think that people should be happy and if they pursue hobbies that they enjoy, it can improve their lives and the lives of others. I think wholesome leisurely and recreational activities with family and friends are very important to having a good quality of life. It improves relationships, by providing good experiences together, it also just gives people the opportunity to get out and do something that they enjoy. It gives them the opportunity to feel like they have accomplished something and done something constructive.I heard once that happiness is the culmination of small successes. Is the quality of life not improved by small success, whether it be success in your career, success raising your family, success improving your life in some, or success in mastering some hobby or other interest that you have? A hobby or new interest can be something that you can quickly and easily master, or at least just enjoy learning to do it. It can give you a feeling of accomplishment, which will inspire and encourage you or others.One specific hobby that can increase your quality of life is music. Music is relaxing. Different music can stimulate different reactions of thought processes. They even have university undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees in music therapy. Learning to play a musical instrument or just listening and getting to know good music can be a way for you to improve your quality of life. It can be a hobby that is leisurely, relaxing, and can be a means for you or others to feel like they have accomplished something that makes a difference. If you can play a musical instrument, think of the good you can have in others’ lives. Musicians are often the life of the party. It seems everywhere I go, if someone can play the guitar, by the end of the night they will be entertaining everyone with their musical talent. The same goes for the piano or many other musical instruments. I myself played the trumpet for seven years, I also taught myself to play the guitar. I taught myself to play the piano a little bit, but I am not as good at it yet as I am at the guitar and the trumpet.Many hobbies can improve your physical health and stamina as well. Would it not be great to have a hobby, something you enjoy, that also keeps you physically fit? Many people play sports or participate in athletic events as hobbies to keep in shape. One of my favorites is to play tennis. I actually have never taken a class or learned to play tennis, I just taught myself and as I began playing I gradually got better. Now it is something I can do as leisure activity outside of work that will keep me in shape as well. Another hobby I just started is running. I ran the marathon over the weekend, I still cannot walk well, my feet and legs hurt, but I am sure I will get better. The pain will go away, but now I will be a marathoner forever. Find your hobby at the online hobby store and more.

Trekking & Searching for new ATV Trails

by: Mitch Johnson
Throughout North America and many other parts of the world ATVs and dirt bike off road trail parks and facilities continue to grow. As the sport of ATV racing (i.e and recreational off road riding becomes more popular, the success of established trails encourages additional riding areas to be developed. The growing number of enthusiastic ATV riders is not the only cause for a demand of more trails. All ATV riders, new and old, want more trails for the challenge. ATVers demand new trails because they strive to conquer anything they can. Riding off road with ATVs has become a sport many dedicate themselves to, but there are just as many people who enjoy the sport on a sporadic basis. Renting ATVs and riding the trails is not an uncommon tourist attraction in many areas of the United States. Because of this many people have experienced and enjoyed ATV riding at some of the trail parks around the nation. Some now dedicated ATV riders started out by taking a recreational off road drive at one of these tourist trail parks.Perhaps some of the most extravagant ATV and dirt bike trails established are those in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia. The Hatfield-McCoy Trails stretch for over 500 miles and growing. They have come to be known as “Trails Heaven.” These ATV trails attract all types of rider and accommodations for the different crowds are abundant. In the areas surrounding “Trails Heaven” there are hotels, bed and breakfast inns, ATV rentals shops, ATV and dirt bike mechanical shops, guided tours and other activities to fill a weekend vacation. This area is the place to be for any of the ATV racing, riding and special events you are interested in. Bringing your own off road vehicle is allowed at “Trails Heaven,” but a permit is required for all riders, rental or other. The Hatfield-McCoy Trails are also the host of several high scale ATV and dirt bike riding events throughout the year. These are the events where you can meet hundreds of fellow ATV enthusiasts. In 2005 there will be an ATV/dirt bike jamboree for riders to participate in. The Appalachian trails also coordinate a Dirt Days riding event. They will also be the host for the National ATV and dirt bike rally week in ’05. Places like “Trails Heaven” are a great riding spot for ATVers of any skill level because they have the proper accommodations for all. There are many other similar ATV trails established, however, if you are a regular rider, you probably want to find your own, local trails and make the big trail parks a weekend event.Whether you are new to the sport or just looking for some new trails to experience, there are several web sites that help you locate the right place. At you can choose a region anywhere in the world to search for a specific ATV riding area. does the same, but for United States trails only. With these search tools you can find a local riding spot, or plan to visit the large, high traffic trails for a weekend, such as at the Hatfield-McCoy Trails.

Get a Hobby

by: Peter Jay
According to, a hobby is “an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure” ( Merriam-Webster defines a hobby as “a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation” (Merriam Webster Dictionary). A hobby is relaxation and pleasure, OUTSIDE of one’s occupation. Many people today, go to work, come home, do not do anything, and then go back to work the next day, like mindless drones slaving away at their job, making money for bosses and owners who are pursuing their own interests and hobbies. That is why they started the business in the first place; it was something interesting to THEM that THEY could pursue. Well, it is time to work to live, not live to work; that is my motto. Find something to do outside of the workplace, something that YOU enjoy, something that relaxes you and brings you pleasure. Find something you can do with your family or with other people, to have good experiences, rather than that job you are always doing.It is time for such working people to find a new hobby. Find something they like to do. There are a million hobbies or interests one can pursue. Just think of all the things you like, or all of the things you ever wanted to do. Think of what you need to do to achieve those things, and start doing it. Do it in your spare time. You will be surprised what a difference just half an hour a day focused on one particular interest will do. Many of my own hobbies I learned by studying them on my own in my spare time. If you can learn anything, you can learn anything, it just takes time, and if you prioritize right, time is something you do have. Learn another language, a new game, a new sport, a new musical instrument, or a hobby craft you would enjoy.Maybe you have many interests or hobbies you would like to pursue. That is great, the more the better. Variety is the spice of life. Find a variety of hobbies you would like to pursue and spice up your life a bit. Some of the hobbies I enjoy or camping and hiking. I bought myself an acoustic guitar and taught myself to play. I taught myself to play the piano a little, and I also play the trumpet. One hobby is designing websites. I speak English and Russian, but I want to learn some other languages as well.Geocaching is a fun new hobby; use Global Positioning Systems to find hidden treasures. I also like to play yard games like croquet, kubb, bocce ball, and others. Sports have always been a way for me to find pleasure and relaxation. I play tennis, basketball, golf, football, and others. Some people find pleasure in scrapbooking or other hobby crafts. If you cannot think of a hobby now, come to your online hobby store and browse our hobbies. See if you cannot find one that interests you. We provide everything you need or want to pursue your hobbies or interests from sports hobbies to craft hobbies, music hobbies to camping and outdoors hobbies.Whatever your interests are, start pursuing them. Find an activity or interest outside your regular occupation that YOU can do for pleasure and relaxation. Start living again. Do not live to work, but work to live. Think of anything and everything you enjoy or that makes you happy and fill your lives with a “variety” of those things. Quit living your life for things that are not important to you and start living for the things that are important, recreation with family and friends, relationships, self-improvement, and the pursuit of happiness.

Paintball 101

by: Jeffrey Jones
Paintball is a game played up of many players or teams. It can be played indoors or out, with as few as two people or as many as 500. Paintball is played at designated fields, back yards or even in the woods. A game can last as little as 5 minutes or hours with all depending on one to take something, find something, or to just be the last person not marked. Depending on the location of where you play, the strategy of your game will vary from being quiet and sneaky and choosing your shots carefully, to being loud, fast, and shooting constantly. Paintball is a competitive sport played like any other competitive sport, to win. It is challenging game of tag, hide-and-seek or even capture-the-flag. Being you shoot at other people and they shoot at you, paintball requires safety equipment to be worn such as goggles, special clothing and etc.An essential part of paintball is the paintball itself. As in tennis, the ball is the main element of a paintball game. But unlike a tennis game, paintball has dozens, often hundreds, of "balls" in play at any one time. As the name implies, these balls are actually tiny containers of paint. Paintballs have a really simple construction. They're actually a lot like bath-oil beads. They are made of colored liquid enclosed in a gelatin shell and are available in a variety of colors. Paintball are also non-toxic, biodegradable and are water soluble. Basically, a paintball is like a small water balloon, weighing only a few grams. The shell holds up if you handle it or drop it from a short distance. When you shoot a paintball from a gun, however, it bursts on impact and leaves large splatter of paint. The job of the paintball gun, or as many call a marker, is to shoot the paintball at a high rate of speed. In a standard gun, the propulsion system is compressed gas such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen or ordinary air and is stored in small or large tanks that can be attached to the gun. The paintball gun is also attached to a hopper, which holds the paintballs. Maintaining safety in paintball is important to make the game safe. The power of paintball guns is strictly regulated. Guns in play are adjusted so that the maximum speed of the paintball is 300 feet per second. A paintball traveling at this speed is not likely to cause serious injury if it hits you, though it will sting and can leave a bruise. Also, since wind resistance starts slowing the paintball down as soon as it leaves the gun, it has a reduced impact when fired from a greater distance. Speeding paintballs can cause serious injury to the eyes and paintball players always wear protection. In addition to playing paintball for recreational use, paintball is also part of military and police training. In terms of feel and handling, a paintball gun has little in common with an actual firearm, but paintball is still good training for combat situations. Mainly, it lets soldiers and police practice strategy and the fine art of not getting shot.There are many paintball leagues around with American Paintball League being one of the largest in the paintball industry. Another paintball league is the National Professional Paintball League. There are the two main paintball leagues. Though they both pertain to paintball, each has their own set of rules for playing the sport.

Gambling legality basics

by: Mansi gupta
The gambling scene in America can be traced back to centuries. Gambling has remained to be a part of the American dream life ever since the inception of lotteries in New Hampshire. The history of American gambling can be broadly classified in two. One relating to the games which come from the legacy of the Indian tribes who used to play some recreational games for amusement to monetary exchange . Millions of dollars exchange hands at the gambling tables and it is a major source of revenue for more then half of US states. Internet has played an important role in popularizing gaming and making it reach the deepest of the people. Casinos, which can be seen over half of America, are the main centers for gambling in America. They are making a lot of money and the business is seen to be a prospective venture. States which are minting money out of gambling are becoming a source of inspiration for the others to follow. Thus it can be said that gambling in casinos is now not confined to Las Vegas Nevada. Gambling is present all over America and is steadily on the rise.The holistic approach to maximize out of gambling has given rise to complete townships that cater to the needs of the gamers. Now the cities are coming up with a complete set up casinos, entertainment parks, luxurious hotels, fabulous restaurants and many other peripherals to make them complete. These are the most sought after destinations of the avid and new both types of gamblers. A gaming commission set up in each state regulates this business and thus there is a eye watching them. But gambling has found its way bye-passing the rule of law. Charitable gambling is common place and is at equal level with the conventional gambling. Every city once in a while organizes a raffle or any bingo event. The charitable boards and commissions take care that the charitable gaming organisations do not loose their track and stick to their purpose. But internet gambling or technically called as “off shore” gambling is taking big strides in America. Although the US justice department has pronounced as an offence but there is no explicit action that lies against the offenders. The internet gambling is a worse form of gambling as it has its reach in to the deepest of territory. The addicted gamblers find easy access to the gambling sites. The law also cannot take a firm stand as there is no law governing such misuse of gambling as of now. There are severe researches going around the country to find the economic and social impact of gambling. The law needs to be codified and has to be brought within the framework of the legislation. The gamblers and the gambling promotional companies have come up with cruise gambling. It is a two way beneficial method for the gamblers. First of all it attracts much higher number of people due to the extra special features of such tours. Secondly it takes the scene of gambling in to the waters of the country. This has made it difficult for the legislators to make a complete law on this issue.Having set many commissions and boards to monitor gambling, the governments is trying to do the best it can. But as long as it is fetching revenues to the states gambling is here to stay in America

Favorite Hobbies - Watching Television

by: Peter Jay
For many Americans, their favorite hobby is watching television. This may not sound like a hobby to some people, but it is. The definition of a hobby is to do some leisure or recreational activity outside of one’s career. Watching television is probably the most common hobby there is. With the amount of hours that people spend watching television each day, and it is climbing, television watching easily becomes one of the most popular activities for among Americans. I would not say that it is a constructive one, but it is a popular one. What else do people spend their time doing more? They work for eight hours a day, and then the average person watches TV for five to eight hours a day. Nobody spends that much time doing one other particular activity.The lesson we learn from this is that not all hobbies are created equal. Some hobbies can be more constructive and enhance your lifestyle or quality of life more than others. There are an infinite number of things that you could do, which would be more constructive than watching television. Read a book, go out and do something with some friends, go do some sort of physical exercise. Find a hobby at the nearest hobby shop, that is constructive, that helps you in some way and improves your life in some way. Find something that gives you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, something that can give you the sense of feeling like you have accomplished something.Most people I have talked to, who watch an enormous amount of television, admit themselves that television is boring and a waste of time. So why do they spend so much time doing it? Some people, I think, are just unaware of how much time they are actually spending. If you sit down and show them how much of their life is being spend in front of the TV, they would be surprised. Others watch television for lack of something better to do. They cannot think of things to do, or do not want to take the effort to think of better things to do. The TV has already warped their minds of creativity. They have become slaves to it, unable to act any longer on their own or think of their own things to do. Others might watch it from laziness. They just want to sit around, so why not turn on the TV while they are just sitting there. Others might watch just for a break from anything. It is kind of nice sometimes to relax your brain after using it at work or school all day. Watching TV is very relaxing to the brain. You do not even have to think; you can just sit there and stare blankly at the screen. It is great! Well, these are just things I have thought of for people spending so much time watching TV. There are probably numerous other excuses, but none of them justify the time and talent wasted on such an endeavor, talents that could be developed in other areas.One of my favorite quotes is “money is only as good as the good that you can do with it.” I think we could say the same thing about our time. “Time is only as good as the good that we can do with,” so lets make our time useful and do something good, something constructive. Plan out your days and your weeks; plan good uplifting activities; plan something that will help you and others. TV is often just a fallback for people who do not plan other, more constructive things.

What is Home Theater?

by: Mitchell Medford
Home theater is the term used to describe the recent evolution of audio and video systems that offer exceptional quality and superior performance - in essence, it is like having a movie theater in your own living room.The recreation obtained by the combination of audio and visual components creates the experience of a professional movie theater. The set-up may be as simple as a DVD player fed through a stereo system and a larger television set, or as elaborate as an entire room professionally wired with multiple speakers and a projection screen. A home theater system may even include theater-style chairs and an elevated floor for optimal viewing.The knowledge of how a professional movie theater is designed is helpful to learn more about the working of a Home theater system. Amplifier units are located to the left, right and center of an expansive movie screen, there are also several satellite speakers embedded through the auditorium, including the back. Movie sound editors separate the audio track into as many as six different channels -- the audience may hear dialogue in the front left, center and right channels for instance. Other sounds may start from a rear channel and move towards the front. This creates a very realistic audio environment.Professional movie theaters also project a high-definition film onto an oversized screen which is wider than it is tall. This allows for a more natural visual experience than a typical square television screen provides. The increased definition of a 35mm or 70mm film also gives the movie added realism. All of these aspects of movie-going are recreated in a good home theater system. The DVD player in a home theater system can separate the audio track into two, three or even five channels. Everyone has different needs and desires about what their media center should be, and may be constrained by different environmental or budgetary limitations. Careful navigation through a detailed methodology ensures that the right choices about design, equipment selection, features, and style are made up front. A few of the questions listed below would be advisable to ponder before setting up a home theater.• Where is theater going to be located?• How large is the area?• How many people would normally be using the room at a time? • How much ambient noise is there?• How much ambient light is there?• What will the room be used for primarily?• What will the secondary uses be?• What kind of budget do you have?Since new movies are always being released, the thrill of your theater is renewed each time you sit down in the comfort of your own home with your loved ones. Why not make the most of it?

Fish Hobbies

by: Peter Jay
Fish tanks and aquariums are a popular hobby for people of all ages. People can sit and stare at fish for hours. I remember when I received my first fish tank. It was the most exciting thing of my life. I had never had fish before and did not even think about getting any. One day, however, I was down at the local pet shop and they had a contest or drawing where the winner would receive a free fish tank. I had never one a drawing like that before, and did not anticipate winning, nor did I think they were that legitimate or that I would have much of a chance of ever winning anything, but signed up anyway, even as a little boy.One day a random phone call came and I answered the phone. It was the pet shop! They told me that I had won the fish tank! I could not believe. Nothing this exciting had ever happened to me. I was jumping up and down around the house and told my mom we had to go get it right then. We also bought some gold fish and other fish to put in the fish tank. I could sit and stare at them for hours. A hobby is a recreational activity outside of work or one’s career. What better hobbies are there then ones you could do for hours and still enjoy them? I raised my fish for a couple months, but had to learn how to take care of them. Eventually my fish all died and one of my friends was playing with a bee-bee gun in my room one day and accidentally shot the tank. But, it was fun while it lasted.Later in college, one of my friends had a huge fish tank in her apartment, with several piranhas. She invited us over to watch her feed her piranhas one day. She bought a bag of about 20 live gold fish to feed to her piranhas. All I can say is, “it was awesome!” We sat there for an hour or more, all of us, like watching TV, but staring at this fish tank as the piranhas attacked and devoured the gold fish. As soon as she dumped the fish into the tank, it went wild. The piranhas just began tearing the goldfish apart. It was one of those moments in life where you are glad that you are not a goldfish, but a human participating in a hobby of feeding the goldfish to the piranhas. One of my friend’s little brothers got a new fish tank and some fish while we were in high school. I am sure he could sit there and stare at them for hours, too, just like everyone else. The reason I am telling about him though, is because he named all of his fish “Marcus” – every one of them. Anyway, I thought that was funny, so I wanted to write it.My family has some fish right now. They have a fish tank and a bunch of goldfish. Their fish have lived for a long time, now, and the goldfish are getting huge. The tank is dirty right now, though. A couple weeks ago they brought over a friend’s “cleaning fish” to eat all of the dirty muck in the tank. It only took a few days for the fish to eat all of the muck and make the tank look as good as new. Too bad we cannot have some sort of cleaning animal around the house that would clean up like that. It would sure save a lot of trouble, but I guess for now we will have to settle with the online hobby store and more.Peter Jay is the Owner/President and CEO of Variety Access – Your online hobby store and more. For more information about hobbies, hobby products, or Variety Access, go to

Softball: Olympic Sport No Longer?

by: jay moncliff
Fast pitch is different from the looping, relaxed pitch often used in recreational softball leagues. Fast pitch players must hit a ball traveling at about 70mph. This is slower than baseball, but certainly much faster than the meandering slow pitch game. However, since the pitcher’s mound and the home plate are much closer than in baseball, (40 feet versus 60 feet) the player must react to the pitch just as quickly. The first softball, a spur of the moment creation in that long-ago first game, was a boxing glove tied into the shape of a ball. Today’s softball is 12” in diameter, significantly bigger than the standard base ball at 9”, and all white. Softball is actually a misnomer, as the ball used in the game is no softer than a baseball, just larger. The playing diamond is much smaller than baseball’s, with only 60 feet between bases. Baseball diamonds have 90 feet between each base. This makes for a faster, more active game than baseball, a fact that many softball enthusiasts cite as one of the reasons they enjoy the game so much.Softball games are also two innings shorter than baseball games. However, like baseball, softball seems to inspire devoted fans and players. Many truly love their softball and pursue the game with an almost fanatic passion.In 1996, women’s fast pitch softball made its first appearance at the Atlanta Olympic Games. The United States team took the first gold medal in the sport, beating China in the gold medal game 3-1. An orthopedic surgeon from Florida, Dot Richardson, hit the first Olympic softball home run ever to win the game for the United States, an achievement she calls her most memorable.After being an Olympic sport for the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympic games, softball was recently dropped from the 2012 London Olympics by a tied vote of 52-52 with one member abstaining. Only a simple majority of 53 votes were needed to keep softball in the Olympics, and softball supporters are trying to get the vote reconsidered. Unfortunately, the Olympic committee doesn’t seem very interested in recasting this important ballot. Although the softball federation will certainly have something to say about this, the situation doesn’t look hopeful for girls fostering an Olympic fast pitch softball dream. Perhaps confusion on the part of the Olympic committee caused them to drop women’s fast-pitch softball from the London games. There has been speculation that the committee members thought that women’s softball was just a female version of baseball, and not popular enough to matter. Whatever their motivations, we hope that the committee will reconsider and reinstate women’s fast pitch softball.

Model Airplanes

by: Peter Jay
Model airplanes are an excellent hobby for any child or adult. There are many types of model airplanes. The most commonly thought of types of model airplanes are the model airplane kits. People purchase a kit that contains all of the parts and pieces for them to construct their own model airplane. Such a hobby provides one with the aesthetically pleasing sensation of constructing one’s own plane. One can feel the thrill of a scientist, on the verge of discovery and invention. One can experience the feeling of having created or organized something. When you are done with this constructive activity, you can behold afterward the results of your efforts, which provides one a feeling of accomplishment.Another type of model airplane is the wooden model airplane or mahogany model airplane. These model airplanes are carved or handcrafted out of fine wood and individually painted. Some airplane enthusiasts would prefer to purchase their plane and paint it themselves. They are often pre-constructed and sold the purchaser in whole, unless one constructs or carves their own model airplane. Wooden model airplanes are designed to be an exact miniature scale replica of actually military, commercial, or private airplanes. Wooden model airplanes are more expensive than model airplane kits. They are often purchased by those who are fans or have a love for airplanes in general. They are used for display in homes or offices and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and other feeling they may inspire in the type of individual who might purchase the small replica of such a flying machine.The aforementioned model airplanes are often for display and the pleasures of construction. This next type of airplane model, however, provides airplane enthusiasts with a hobby and sport for recreational purposes. The Radio Control Model airplane is a plane built for the sole purpose of flying. Radio control airplanes come in different types as well. There are gas powered radio control airplanes, and electrical or battery powered radio control airplanes. The gas powered planes are of course much larger than their battery powered counter parts, reaching up to six feet in length. The gas powered planes often cost more as well. Gas powered radio control airplanes are primarily used by the experienced flyers of model airplanes, while electrically powered model aircraft are flown by both amateurs and professionals.Radio control airplanes can be a fun activity to do just about anywhere for anyone. You can go to the local park to fly your radio control model airplane around. You can go up to the mountains and throw it off a cliff and begin to fly if you like. Radio control model airplanes function exactly like full size planes. Their wings are designed to create lift when moving forward. Their propellers create thrust to push the plane forward. The control of the plane functions the same as well; the flaps on the wings or fins move, to move the entire plane. The same principles of science and flight apply to radio control model airplanes as well. The model airplane can stall in the air and fall similar to a real airplane.All types of model airplanes can be found at your local hobby shops or at online hobby stores. Most hobby stores seem to have model airplanes as one of their main products for sale, and most also have several different types of the model airplanes mentioned above. So, if you are an airplane enthusiast, or would like to become one, visit your local hobby store, or search for one online and find the plane that is best for you. Peter Jay is the Owner/President and CEO of Variety Access – Your online hobby store and more. For more information about hobbies, hobby products, or Variety Access, visit

Go Karts - Becoming a Racing Enthusiast

by: Michael Walker
Free to ReprintDigital Reprint Rights:- You have permission to reprint this article in your website as long as the author's resource box remains intact, with the active links included.- You do not have permission to reprint this article in any way that suggests spamming behavior.- You may only reprint this article in opt-in publications.- You cannot change the article or author's resource box in any way, the article must be published as it is.*************************Article Start*************************Go Karts - Becoming a Racing EnthusiastImagine - ripping your torso as you hit a curve launching your sprint kart down the circuit. Pressing on the accelerator as you exercise dead-on hand-and-eye coordination determining the smartest way to turn the drift in the 21st minute of an hour- long enduro race. Or perhaps be a spectator - routing for the likes of Fernando Alonso and Michael Schumacher as they race neck-and-neck on the last lap. Guess what - you are breathing and witnessing (even smelling the distinctive aroma of clay dirt on the dirt track) the atmosphere that comes with go-kart racing.Developed in the 1950´s by pilots with a zest for tinkering with motorcycle engines to propel simple frames, go-karting extended internationally after the construction of the first go-kart by Art Ingels in Pasadena. Before dwelling on it's mass European appeal and discussing the pinnacle of Formula 1 racing, let's backtrack for a second. Riding go-karts (or karting) is the best way to break into professional racing. It is the simplest means of exploding your chassis down the track before getting into the sophisticated arena of professional racing. Single cylinder engines, basic chassis models, and lack of speed producing components provide go-kart racing with the air of simplicity, geared towards beginners and novices.The concept of sprint karting comes to our mind when we think of the prototypical kart & track in amusement parks, recreational areas, and arcade palaces. Impeccable karts with sleek designs and sturdy frames rip through on short tracks, usually made from asphalt or concrete - ranging from half a mile to a mile in length. Sprint karting is divided into classes (think boxing middleweights and welterweights) that distinguish engine-types (two-and four-cycle), driver (classified according to age and weight), brand of kart (Yamaha and Honda are popular choices), and specifications. No carbon-fiber made frames and McLarens built with lightweight materials here! Sprint karting is a simplified, scaled-down form of professional go-kart racing with shorter tracks, downgraded technology, less experienced drivers, and downgraded components across the board.Other forms of karting include enduro racing. Endurance racing, or "enduro" for short is a prolonged version of sprint. Propelled by aerodynamical butterfly steering, enduro karts are an upgrade over sprint karts - participating in races lasting an hour or more. Dirt, oval tracks is the staple of endurance racing and is more prevalent in the Midwest than anywhere else. Because of the long racing period, special emphasis is paid to durable karts and pit stop maintenance than focusing on just speed. In runner's terms, enduro is a marathon - not a sprint. If you sacrifice chassis and tire maintenance for speed throughout the course of a race, reaching the finish line is out of the question.Behind every successful sprint car are its well-performing components, specifically its frame, engine, and tires. The dynamics of a go-kart is two-fold: to be built to withstand the rigors of racing and to serve as the backbone for speed. Usually made of steel, frames have the option of being flexible or not. Flexible frames mean easier maneuvering along the track, especially when turning as to maintain good "side bite" and control of the kart. Because non-professional go-karts have no sophisticated traction and suspension system to withstand bumps, frames are usually subject to more punishment. Sprint kart tires usually do not have indented grooves, as they are soft in nature and more suited to all-terrain.900 BHP horsepower engines are the norm for souped-up Honda Formula One karts. Capable of reaching speeds of 200+ mph, they represent the all-out nature of karting technology. For the novices, a simple 2-cycle engine will do! Running on gasoline and electricity instead of petrol (typically mixed with other fuels to suit environmental conditions for Formula One,) sprint karts run on either 2-cycle or 4-cycle engines. 4-cycle engines are the weakest engine around, with horsepower topping 20 HP. Think of the power needed to run a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner - that's how much power a 4-cycle engine exerts. 2-cycle engines are typically associated with the likes of Vespas (European motor scooters) and mopeds. These go up to 90 HP. Added cylinders (individual horsepower generators in go-karts) can boost horsepower, adding pure speed & power to your machine. Perhaps 10-cylinder Formula One kart engines and its incredible capabilities ring bells to you now!Want pinpoint control over the speed of your go-kart? No problem here! Go-karts have basic transmission systems with gears that control speed to its desired amount. Coming with clutches, shifter karts (a popular type of sprint kart that allows you to move at a certain amount of speeds) make the best use of engine power when zipping along a straight path or maneuvering over the short or wide curve. Depending on the amount of cylinders and engine, shifter enthusiasts can lay opponents in their dust blazing trails up to 90 mph. Shifters usually run on larger road courses known as road racing. It is flush in structure with qualification criteria like class of kart, weight of driver, etc. Honda, Kawasaki, and Yamaha are popular suppliers of engines. These companies are at the forefront of karting technology, regularly tinkering with what's already available or creating new concepts of their own.Sprint karting opportunities are available to everyone. If you want to enjoy it as a form of recreation instead of competition, visit your local track and rent a kart! Make sure to sign any insurance waivers and become acquainted with the rules and regulations! If you like to compete, inquire from within. Sprint karting is one of the least expensive sports out there. People from all walks of life and all economic backgrounds can drive a kart, or even purchase their own with a powerful engine. There are many karting schools available all over the nation that will let you ride their karts for a nominal fee. In essence, karting is more than a pastime. It is a bonafide sport capable of preparing you for more advanced karting by helping you shape your judgment, hand-eye coordination abilities, and technological/dynamical know-how of the instruments you're using.Michael Walker is a freelance author providing information about a variety of go-kart topics including http://www.go-kart-kits. com , and His articles prove to be both a useful and entertaining resource of valuable information for the karting enthusiast.
Michael Walker is a freelance author providing information about a variety of go-kart topics including http://www.go-kart-kits. com , and His articles prove to be both a useful and entertaining resource of valuable information for the karting enthusiast.

Hobby Psychology

: Peter Jay
Happiness is the culmination of small amounts of success. You will inevitably not be successful at everything you try to do. Also, if you measure your success by extreme standards, such as accomplishing some great and important task then you will likely often be too hard on yourself and feel like a failure, despite all of your other small successes. It is better to focus on the small successes and make them happen as often as you can. Mastering a new hobby can be a small success that you can accomplish, that you can make happen, and that you have control over. Moreover, it is something you choose to do. You can succeed at the things that YOU want to.If you or someone you know is having trouble getting excited about life or has little ambition, perhaps it is time to have a little success or help them find a little success. Success can be inspiring. Success can build your confidence. As you learn a new hobby, your confidence will rise. You will become more ambitious and happy. You will become excited about other things that before you were not excited about. A hobby can just be something else for you to do. One of my favorite quotes is “Variety is the spice of life.” A hobby is something you can spice up your life with. It can be very helpful to your mental health as you fill your life with the things that you enjoy and love. It can also give you a sense of control as YOU pick your hobbies. YOU find the things that YOU like. You can pursue your own interests. As you experiment with different hobbies you can find yourself. You can find out what you are really like, what really makes you happy. Perhaps physical exercise will make you happier, in which case you should find a hobby that requires some physical exertion like mountain biking, running, lifting weights, dancing, swimming, or playing sports. Maybe you would enjoy a hobby where you can interact with other people; most of the hobbies already mentioned could also be done with others. You could also find more laid back hobbies such as outdoor yard games, barbecuing, camping, or boating. Whatever your interests are, or what you think they might be you can find a related hobby and pursue it. There are also hobbies for people who like to spend time alone such as crocheting, scrapbooking, arts and crafts. Some people like to tinker with things or are interested in technology, in which case, they might like model airplanes or radio control airplanes. Many people have a hobby of communicating with ham radios. There are as many hobbies as there are ideas.By definition, a hobby is a leisure or recreational activity that someone pursues outside of their regular career. It is something that adds quality to life and variety to your nine-to-five job. It is something you can enjoy, something you can look forward to doing at the end of the day or the end of the week. It is something that you can spend time doing with family or friends. It is something that can provide purpose and a reason for you to be happy. Hobbies can help to find yourself and find where your real interests lay.

Effortless Power Golf Swing

by: Mike Pedersen
A power golf swing is the dream of every golfer. How many times have you hit one just perfect and tried desperately to remember what you did that caused this to happen? A power golf swing is not about swinging hard. So many times a golfer will try to “put a little more into it” to get a few extra yards. If you’ve tried this…what happened? Did you get those extra yards or did it go shorter and even offline?That’s the point I’m trying to make!To hit a LONG drive or add yards to every club in your bag…you need to be able to generate more clubhead speed, but under control. That’s where most golfers lose it.If your body can’t physically make an optimum swing, from a mechanical standpoint, you have no business trying to swing any harder. The result will be a blown up score and drives that go significantly shorter…not longer.The beauty of getting your body in better ‘golf shape’ is that you can hit the ball with more force…but with much less effort. Let me explain.If you’ve improved your core strength and flexibility for example, you will be able to make a FULL shoulder turn (backswing) with minimal tension. This backswing has now a ton of torque built up. With your newfound strength and flexibility…you will be able to ‘unleash’ that torque, powerfully into the golf ball.Doesn’t that make sense?Now imagine if you improved your overall body specific to golf. Now you’ve got a power golf swing that is under control and killing it off the tee! Your playing partners won’t know what hit them.So the key to remember in an effortless power golf swing is improving your bodies ability to rotate and store energy…then ‘unleash it’ into the ball at impact.If you are lacking distance and feel like you’re trying to swing harder, this is the reason why. A fit golfer has a HUGE advantage over an out-of-shape one. Follow this advice, and you’re on your way to an effortless power golf swing!

The Athletic Motion of The Golf Swing

by: John Toepel
There is really one basic athletic motion which is used in all of athletics. The golf swing is golf's version of this athletic motion. It is the same basic motion that is used to hit a tennis ball, throw a football, kick a soccer ball, or break a rack in pool. To describe the athletic motion, let's take a look at the baseball pitcher. Why the pitcher? You are familiar with the pitching motion and have probably thrown a ball or two yourself. The pitcher does what you as a golfer want to do; throw it fast, accurately and consistently. As a golfer you want to hit the ball long distances and down the middle with consistency.So just how does the pitcher throw the ball? How do you throw a ball? It's not complicated. Let's take a look so we can apply these principles to the golf swing. After getting the sign from the catcher, the pitcher begins his wind-up by moving his body so that all of his weight is on his back foot, the one on the pitching rubber. By doing this, he has caused the arm to be flung away, in the direction opposite from where he will deliver the ball. When all the weight is on the back leg and the arm is still going away from the target, he reverses the direction of the body by pushing off his back foot. This causes his body to be pushed toward the target. The arm was still going away when the body changed directions. The arm only changes directions when it can go no further back and is pulled swiftly toward the target by the forward motion of the body. This allows the arm to function with maximum effectiveness, speed, and accuracy. The arm is completely dependent on the body. The arm moves ONLY because the body moves it -- not because the muscles of the arm itself made the arm move.Have you ever seen a major league pitcher stand flat-footed and pitch the ball? Of course not. Any pitcher knows that he will have neither speed nor accuracy if he throws the ball flat-footed. To be effective he must use the big muscles (the legs and back) to move the body in order to create the speed and accuracy necessary for a good pitch.I want you to try to throw the ball as far as you can, but with different rules. In order to be very powerful, you must hold the ball as tightly as possible, tightening all the muscles in your arm and shoulder. I want to see all the veins popping out; that way I know you are powerful and can throw it far. You know instinctively as you tighten up or quit moving the body that you cannot throw the ball any distance at all. In spite of this, I regularly see golfers holding the club so tightly and flexing those shoulder muscles, then wondering why they can't hit the ball far. Great muscular effort doesn't do the job.For confirmation of this, tighten up your arms and take a practice swing. Listen for any noise the club makes. There's not much air moving, is there? Now try again, this time with your arms completely relaxed. Listen for the loud noise of the club through the air. There is quite a difference, isn't there?In order to have the arms and shoulders move at their top possible speed and with maximum reliability, they must be kept relaxed. This is achieved when the legs, which are the body's real source of strength, cause the arms and shoulders to move. Simply stated, the feet and legs cause the trunk of the body to move, which in turn causes the arms to move. All types of athletics are played with the feet moving the body. It all comes from the ground up, never from the top down. For an observation, watch someone throw a bowling ball or throw a horseshoe to a post. The legs move the body, and the arm is completely dependent upon them. It's the same in all of athletics, including golf.Because we are holding this long stick with the intention of hitting this little, innocent ball as hard as we can, this is contrary to our golf instincts. Common sense would tell us that in order to end that poor little ball's life (without missing the ball, of course), we must use those powerful arms - and never look up? Isn't that right? Not so! There you have it -- the process through which I developed the Concept Golf swing principles that will take your golf game to a new level. Because these ideas are simple, and because there are only five fundamentals, you might be tempted to not give them proper reverence. These principles have been tested and proven by golfers just like you. The new golfer, the professional, the high handicapper and the plus-one handicapper have all profited from these few simple ideas. The Concept Golf swing principles are simple, logical, easy to understand, and easy to put into action. Everything else in the golf swing is a result of these few fundamentals -- for all clubs, for all shots. They apply to the full swing, the short wedge and even the putter. As you understand and accept these ideas and put them to use, you will see great progress in your golf game.It doesn't have to be hard to discover the Par Golfer within you.

The Athletic Motion of The Golf Swing

by: John Toepel
There is really one basic athletic motion which is used in all of athletics. The golf swing is golf's version of this athletic motion. It is the same basic motion that is used to hit a tennis ball, throw a football, kick a soccer ball, or break a rack in pool. To describe the athletic motion, let's take a look at the baseball pitcher. Why the pitcher? You are familiar with the pitching motion and have probably thrown a ball or two yourself. The pitcher does what you as a golfer want to do; throw it fast, accurately and consistently. As a golfer you want to hit the ball long distances and down the middle with consistency.So just how does the pitcher throw the ball? How do you throw a ball? It's not complicated. Let's take a look so we can apply these principles to the golf swing. After getting the sign from the catcher, the pitcher begins his wind-up by moving his body so that all of his weight is on his back foot, the one on the pitching rubber. By doing this, he has caused the arm to be flung away, in the direction opposite from where he will deliver the ball. When all the weight is on the back leg and the arm is still going away from the target, he reverses the direction of the body by pushing off his back foot. This causes his body to be pushed toward the target. The arm was still going away when the body changed directions. The arm only changes directions when it can go no further back and is pulled swiftly toward the target by the forward motion of the body. This allows the arm to function with maximum effectiveness, speed, and accuracy. The arm is completely dependent on the body. The arm moves ONLY because the body moves it -- not because the muscles of the arm itself made the arm move.Have you ever seen a major league pitcher stand flat-footed and pitch the ball? Of course not. Any pitcher knows that he will have neither speed nor accuracy if he throws the ball flat-footed. To be effective he must use the big muscles (the legs and back) to move the body in order to create the speed and accuracy necessary for a good pitch.I want you to try to throw the ball as far as you can, but with different rules. In order to be very powerful, you must hold the ball as tightly as possible, tightening all the muscles in your arm and shoulder. I want to see all the veins popping out; that way I know you are powerful and can throw it far. You know instinctively as you tighten up or quit moving the body that you cannot throw the ball any distance at all. In spite of this, I regularly see golfers holding the club so tightly and flexing those shoulder muscles, then wondering why they can't hit the ball far. Great muscular effort doesn't do the job.For confirmation of this, tighten up your arms and take a practice swing. Listen for any noise the club makes. There's not much air moving, is there? Now try again, this time with your arms completely relaxed. Listen for the loud noise of the club through the air. There is quite a difference, isn't there?In order to have the arms and shoulders move at their top possible speed and with maximum reliability, they must be kept relaxed. This is achieved when the legs, which are the body's real source of strength, cause the arms and shoulders to move. Simply stated, the feet and legs cause the trunk of the body to move, which in turn causes the arms to move. All types of athletics are played with the feet moving the body. It all comes from the ground up, never from the top down. For an observation, watch someone throw a bowling ball or throw a horseshoe to a post. The legs move the body, and the arm is completely dependent upon them. It's the same in all of athletics, including golf.Because we are holding this long stick with the intention of hitting this little, innocent ball as hard as we can, this is contrary to our golf instincts. Common sense would tell us that in order to end that poor little ball's life (without missing the ball, of course), we must use those powerful arms - and never look up? Isn't that right? Not so! There you have it -- the process through which I developed the Concept Golf swing principles that will take your golf game to a new level. Because these ideas are simple, and because there are only five fundamentals, you might be tempted to not give them proper reverence. These principles have been tested and proven by golfers just like you. The new golfer, the professional, the high handicapper and the plus-one handicapper have all profited from these few simple ideas. The Concept Golf swing principles are simple, logical, easy to understand, and easy to put into action. Everything else in the golf swing is a result of these few fundamentals -- for all clubs, for all shots. They apply to the full swing, the short wedge and even the putter. As you understand and accept these ideas and put them to use, you will see great progress in your golf game.It doesn't have to be hard to discover the Par Golfer within you.

Exercise Training For Golf Will Do Wonders

by: Mike Pedersen
Exercise training for golf is what every golfer who is serious about improving their golf swing power and mechanics should be focusing on…especially senior golfers in the “off-season” or winter months.If you’ve read any of my articles you’ll know where I’m coming from.“Your body dictates your golf swing!”“A broken body will never achieve optimal golf performance”.“You are only as good as your ‘physical limitations’ will allow you.”You heard it hear first. My quotes above are “my quotes” that I have used for over 10 years with golfers of all ages, abilities and sexes.I have seen it thousands of times throughout the past 10 years. Golfers getting so frustrated they want to quit the game.They’ve taken lessons. They’ve practiced til their hands bled. And they own the latest/greatest equipment.And…They are NOT playing any better!Why?Because their body is keeping them from what they think they can do. There is a massive gap between the mind and the body. You can will a great game in your mind as much as you want, but if your body isn’t capable…it will NEVER happen!Those are the cold hard facts.The sooner you realize your body IS the “magic bullet", the sooner you can start your exercise training for golf and see real results.These results will be long-lasting too!No band-aid swing fixes that don’t even last for 18 holes. Your exercise training for golf program should focus on your personal, physical limitations to save time and money. Eliminate your limitations and watch your golf game soar!I’m here to MOTIVATE you…not sugar-coat it!It’s time to regain those lost yards off the tee, and get back to shooting scores you did years ago!Get started right now on your program of exercise for golf.

Putting and My Aching Back!

by: Sean Cochran
I am guessing that all of us can relate to the title of this article. I am sure you have bent over for that 4 footer (can’t give you that 4 footer, sorry), and felt that lower back feel tired, sore, painful or tight. Regardless of what the word is, you feel it! I also am guessing that some of you have changed to belly putters for the reason that your back hurts when you putt! Even if you are one of those players that has switched to a belly putter because of back pain, that pain is an indicator of something else going on within the body. I am sure we could use the excuse: I am older now and that is just what happens; or maybe we use the “cave man excuse”: humans just were meant to walk on two legs! Regardless of what excuse you use, there is a reason and solution to solve those lower back problems. Even if you don’t realize it, the lower back that you feel when putting is also affecting the other parts of your game (i.e. driving, long irons, chipping, pitching, etc.) This article has the goal of explaining why your back is sore when you putt and what we can do to help alleviate the problem.Why Does My Lower Back Ache?Well, let me say this to start. If you are in agreement with the “caveman excuse” you are in the ballpark as to why the lower back begins to ache on the 12th or 13th green. Standing upright, which is a specific posture (keep that word “posture” in mind throughout this article), places stress on the lower back. When I say stress, I am talking about the muscles of your lower back working to support your body in a specific position. The same holds true for when you putt. You get behind the ball, line the putt up, look at the line, maybe crouch down, take a few practice putts, and then away you go. In all the actions described above, your lower back is actively working to maintain posture in all those positions. Do this little activity to give you an idea of what your back is doing all the time to support your body. Take your hand and make a fist. Squeeze that fist as hard as you can for one minute, no less, more if you can. Now relax. How do your hand and forearm feel? Pretty tired, huh, maybe stiff. What you just did is exactly what your lower back does all the time. It is constantly contracting to hold your body upright. After time it gets tired and the result is a sore, stiff, and tight lower back.Up to this point we understand that the lower back is involved to a great extent in supporting the body. Now, how about when we move? Have you ever felt that back tighten up when you are getting out of a chair, and then you have to wait a second after you stand up before you start walking? Again, I will guess that the majority of us can answer yes to this question. This an example of a movement where the lower back is already fatigued, but nevertheless the lower back is now involved in moving the body, even though it is fatigued. When you walk, run, bend-over, turn, or rotate, your lower back is involved in the movement. The lower back gets a so-to-speak “double whammy” when it comes to what it does for the body. The lower back is involved in both supporting a position in which you place your body and also in the movement of the body. (If you need an example of how much the lower back works during the day, keep your fist clamped for a day, and see how your forearm feels the next day.) So at this point we know the reasons why our back is sore when we step over that 4 footer for birdie (sorry it is still not a gimme in my book, gotta be inside the leather). It is a twofold reason: number one has to do with posture, and number two with movement. Now that we know why our lower back gets sore or tight, how do we fix it?How to Fix that Aching Lower BackBefore we describe ways to fix the lower back let us first give some suggestions to those who already have severe lower back problems. I would first suggest you see your personal physician. Always better safe than sorry. If you are someone who constantly has a sore lower back or you get up every morning with a stiff back, go see your doctor. You never know what might be going on in that lower back area. Quite possibly you may have a problem with a disk, a bone spur, or any number of serious lower back problems. I have seen a lot of these issues in my day, and I will say, number one, it always important to be under the supervision of a physician in such cases, and, number two, if you catch such lower back problems early they are much easier to treat than the ones that linger. So do yourself a favor and go see your physician before things get worse.Now, on to how to help eliminate the lower back that tires on the back nine of your weekly round. We know from above that we are using the back “24-7” so to speak. Golfing requires the lower back to work even harder than normal. This is a result of the rotating, stabilizing, and power production required of the swing. The lower back is getting tired because it is neither strong enough nor does it have enough endurance within its muscles to support the activities you perform on a daily basis!I am betting by now you have a pretty good idea of what to do to rid yourself of that lower back soreness. The lower back must become stronger and increase its endurance capacities. This will increase the durability of the lower back to withstand the stresses placed upon it during your daily activities. Strength can be defined as having enough force production with your muscles to perform a certain activity, and endurance is having enough energy in those muscles to do an activity over and over again. These are simplified definitions, but they work well for what we are talking about. Strength in relation to the lower back has to do with the ability to maintain postures. You must get the lower back strong enough to maintain the postures of the activities you participate in (i.e. golf). Endurance in the lower back is creating enough stored energy in the lower back muscles to do to whatever activity it is that you do over and over again without getting tired (i.e. golf swing). The combination of strengthening the lower back and creating more endurance within these muscles creates the highest probability of the lower back staying healthy for all activities. The next question you probably have is: what are the proper exercises I should perform to get my back in better shape for golf? Take a look at our products at for more information on this topic

Becoming an Ageless Golfer

by: Sean Cochran
It happens to all of us, even though we do not want to admit it. The reality is we all get older. Some of you may already know what I am talking about, and others may have yet to experience the phenomenon of aging. Those of you who are reading this article and are no longer “spring chickens” get my drift. Even if you are one of the lucky ones, still young, let me fill you in on what happens as the body gets a few miles on it.Probably the biggest thing that we all dislike when we creep into our thirties and forties is the extra poundage (i.e. weight) we tend to put on. (It is also a lot harder to take off when we get older.) Unfortunately, because our metabolism slows down, we are unable to pound down a burger, fries, and a couple of cokes without the bathroom scale hitting “tilt” a few days later. In my mind, that probably is the most difficult adjustment we have to make: an adjustment in our nutrition intake as we age.The second most noticeable difference as we age, especially for the more active individual, is it becomes a little more difficult to get out of bed. The back is a little sore, the knees are a little creaky, and, if you workout, the soreness does not go away as quickly. This is a result of a few things that happen to our bodies when we get older. Number one is we lose a percentage of our muscle mass on a yearly basis. After the age of 25 (don’t quote me on the specifics, but I believe) about 1% of your muscle mass is lost per year. Makes sense now why we get a little sorer and getting out of bed is more difficult. We simply do not have as much muscle to do the work.I could go on and on with the depressing facts of aging, but let us look at just one more before moving on. As you get older you become less flexible. It takes you a lot longer to “limber up” for any sporting activity: golf, tennis, or a pick up game of basketball. Less flexibility predisposes you to experience more difficulty with certain movements: touching your toes, rotating during a golf swing, or even reaching down to pick something up off the ground. Why does this occur? Our bodies, as a result of wear and tear, become more “tight” and “wound up” as we get older.So there you have it! Some of the great things to look forward to as you get older (kidding of course). So if you’re in your twenties and you’re reading this article, “enjoy it while it lasts,” because the road gets a little more difficult to travel as you get older. But, if you’re beyond your twenties, I am sure you can relate to the general results of aging in relation to your golf game. Quite simply, extra pounds decrease your stamina (and may affect your swing plane). Less muscle equals less distance off the tee, and decreased flexibility tends to make the turn in the golf swing much harder to perform. An unfortunate situation, but the good news is that we can slow down the aging process and limit the effects of aging on your golf game.Slowing Down the Aging Process for the Golf SwingI have given you a little “carrot of information” that we can slow down the aging process. How do we do it? It is actually quite simple and only requires a little time out of each day (15-20 minutes) and a little discipline. Sounds pretty easy when you think of all the benefits you stand to gain. What we are going to do is provide you some answers on how to slow down the aging process. Remember we can’t stop the aging process, but we can sure slow it down. The benefits of slowing down the aging process are evident when you see guys in their 50’s winning tour events. It just takes a little time, some knowledge, and discipline. If you are saying, “I don’t have the time,” let me ask you one question: How would you like to feel 10 years younger right now and hit the ball farther then you did in your twenties? I imagine the answer to both of those questions would be a resounding yes!Let us start with the first topic that we described when you get older, the additional pounds. Unfortunately, as you age your metabolism slows down. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the word metabolism, think of it as your own internal furnace. It is the rate at which you burn fuel (food is fuel to the human body). When we are younger we tend have faster metabolisms, and as we get older they slow down. (I know it is a bummer.) Well, let me tell you, there are activities to speed that metabolism back up. The way to do it is by performing some fitness activities. If you are active and participate in some type of structured activity your body will burn more fuel and elevate its metabolism during this time. In addition, if these activities are resistance-training activities (i.e. weights, tubing, light dumbbells, body weight), then over time you will build some muscle. The great thing about that is the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be all the time (translation: you will burn more fuel all day and night). A secondary benefit of such activities will be greater stamina on the course. So rather than “spraying your shots” around on the back nine because you’re tired, you can have pinpoint accuracy going into the 18th. Moving on to our second point, the loss of muscle mass as you age, this one is a tough one to swallow. Just think, we actually LOSE muscle as we age. Pretty depressing. The good news is it can be limited or stopped. Before I give you the solution, let’s look at how this affects your golf swing. Essentially, in the golf swing you create club head speed. That club head speed is the result of creating rotational power, which we define as torque. To create torque, the muscles of the body have to be flexible, strong, and powerful. Now guess what? If you have less muscle, what do you think is going to happen to your power outputs and club head speed? The answer is they will decrease. No wonder they make senior shafts with a lot of flex. This is the golf manufacturers’ attempt to deal with this problem. It helps to a point, but we have a better solution. How about putting something in your bag that makes you stronger, improves your power, and gets back that lost distance? Sounds good? Well, it can be done if you implement a golf-specific strength-training program. You can get back that lost muscle mass, get back that power, and improve your driving distance. This is what we call the development of “golf strength,” and it can be done with a program that takes a total of 15 minutes a day!Finally, moving on to the flexibility issue, our bodies lose flexibility as we age. Flexibility is a must when it comes to the golf swing. Here is what happens when you do not “work” on your flexibility. A loss of flexibility in the golf swing limits the ability of the body to perform the correct actions to create the proper swing. Essentially, your body won’t allow you to take the club back and through on the correct swing path. This leads to miss hits, slices, hooks, and a whole bunch of other shots that are very unpleasant. So how do we fix this problem or not allow it to become a problem? The answer is to implement a golf-specific flexibility program. This again requires a daily commitment, but the time frame is very little (say 5 minutes a day). So again, ask yourself: Is it worth spending 5 minutes a day on flexibility to have the golf swing you would like? I bet most of you would answer yes.The Magic PillWell, there you have the pleasures, displeasure, joys, and sorrows of the aging process. We all get older, but there are things we can do to prevent the displeasures and sorrows. If we take a little time every day and perform the proper exercises and activities, we can reduce the effects of aging and have a great swing for as long as we like. That’s the only magic pill we know of. If you would like more information on this subject and how to go about improving your golf fitness, take a look at our web site at Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2004 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website Check out his manual and DVD, Your Body & Your Swing, on To contact Sean, you can email him at

Understanding The Rotary Nature Of A Golf Swing

by: Mike Pedersen
A careful and close study of the golf swing will reveal that it is mainly a rotary golf swing movement.This is the reason why the most effective golf swing exercises are rotary in nature. When using golf training aids like the weighted golf club, the rotary golf swing is practiced very effectively. This is a very golf-specific way of practicing and conditioning your muscles for the rotary nature of the golf swing. Using this aid, the golfer goes through the exact set of movements required in the rotary golf swing. The inside approach is another golf aid that brings out the rotary nature of a golf swing. This device is quite useful for slicers and helps them deal with this problem. Actually this is basically a problem of ignoring the rotary nature of the golf swing and the result is the problem of slicing the golf ball instead of hitting it correctly. Another golf training aid that helps a golfer a great deal in appreciating the rotary nature of the golf swing is the exercise tubing. The real strength in this golf aid is in its’ ability to break down the golf swing into many different phases that can be zoomed in on for improvement. There are also stretch exercises that one can do with a stability ball that will help improve the rotary nature of a golf swing in a golfer’s game. More so the kind of stretch exercises that involve the twisting of the body in different directions. Stretch and strength exercises can also be done with dumbbells. Dumbbells these days are designed to be fairly portable, meaning that they can be carried around and conveniently kept within reach at home or even in the office for some simple exercises. All in all, exercises are an important part of getting to appreciate the rotary nature of a golf swing which can result in great improvement of a golfer’s game.

Five Tips For Buying a Home Entertainment System

by: Ross MacIver
Five Tips When Buying a Home Entertainment SystemLooking for a new home entertainment system? Here are five tips for choosing the best model for your home environment.1. Choose a system that can be expanded. Most of your music collection may be on CDs, but with the growing popularity of DVD audio you don't want to be left behind. Even if you are only interested in stereo sound make sure you buy a system that can be adapted to new technologies. This includes video as well as audio mediums. Buy a stereo system for now, but make sure it has surround sound capabilities.Also consider whether you want your home entertainment system accessible in different parts of the house. An expandable system allows you to place speaker systems and playback modules in different rooms so that you can enjoy home entertainment throughout the house.2. Buy a system with enough power. This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip. Don't buy a unit which has just enough power for your current needs, but rather, think about how you will be expand it in the future. Surround sound speaker systems require more power than stereo, and satellite speakers systems installed in other rooms also require extra power.Dedicated power amps for different parts of your home entertainment system can make a vast difference in the quality of sound. For example, a subwoofer amp can take the load off the rest of your system will providing massively deep bass sounds.3. Choose a system that matches your entertainment preferences. If you are mainly interested in DVD video a surround sound speaker system can add amazing authenticity to your viewing experience. On the other hand, if you mostly listen to classical music, divide your budget so that you can get a good set of stereo speakers. If you like rap or hip-hop you should choose speakers designed for bass heavy music -- a subwoofer is a necessity.4. Make it backwards compatible. Many people still have a sizable collection of VHS tapes and vinyl records. Rather than throwing out these valuable sources of entertainment, make sure your new entertainment system can handle them.5. Buy the best you can afford. It's a waste of money to buy inferior components for your home entertainment system. You will quickly become dissatisfied with them and end up ditching them. If you have a limited budget, divide it up wisely. Rather than starting with a full-featured audio and video home entertainment system, concentrate on a few components. As long as your system is expandable, you can continue adding new features as your budget allows.

What Do the Core and the Golf Swing have in Common Part II?

by: Sean Cochran
In part one of this article we discussed the core and its relation to the golf swing. A quick review of the information in article one will indicate a definitive connection between the “athletic movements” of a golf swing and the core section of the body. Prior to beginning this article let us take a brief moment to review information provided in the first article on this topic.A quick review will indicate that the core is an anatomical region of the body. This region of the body consists of all the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and neural structures, located from the hips to the lower chest. This comprises all of the structures of: the hips, abdominals, low back, and obliques (side abdominals). In addition to describing the anatomical region of the core, part one of this article described the following: the relationship between the core and golf swing in the specific areas of range of motion, coordination, speed of motion, and balance. Part two of this article will discuss core flexibility, strength, endurance, and power. We will relate these three additional topics to the golf swing as we did in part one.Recalling from the first article, range of motion is directly related to distance. Distance that a body moves in a specific amount of time when discussing biomechanics. Relating range of motion to the golf swing indicates that the greater range of motion that the core mechanism of the body can move through, the greater amount of force can be created to deliver into the club head.The second topic discussed in article one was speed of motion. Remember, speed of motion is directly related to range of motion. Speed of motion is essentially adding a component of time to range of motion. The faster that an object or the body can move through a specific range of motion, the greater amount of force can be created through this range of motion.Thirdly, we introduced coordination. Coordination is the ability to time the movements of the body in the correct sequence to perform the activity desired. This requires the body to move through the required ranges of motion with the correct speed of motion. The final topic discussed in section one of this article was balance. Balance is the ability of the body to maintain a center of gravity during a movement. Increased balance allows for greater accuracy with athletic activities. Moving forward into section two of this article, we build upon the information discussed in article one. Relevancy to the core and the golf swing is easily seen when connecting these topics (range of motion, speed of motion, coordination, and balance) to the athletic movement associated with the golf swing.FlexibilityFlexibility is the range of motion around a joint and is influenced by skeletal structures, ligaments, muscles tissues, and joint capsule type. Range of motion is a result of the deformation of soft tissues (i.e. muscle tissue, ligaments, and tendons) surrounding a joint. Flexibility is essentially the ability of the neuromuscular to create a desired range of motion by the body. The golf swing requires the core, and the entire body, to move through a specified range of motion to create contact with the golf ball. Limitations in flexibility can create the inability of the body to move through the required ranges of motion at the correct speed to perform a golf swing. This will result in numerous problems as a result of poor mechanics in the swing. A direct connection exists between range of motion, speed of motion, and flexibility. If flexibility is limited the result will be limitations in ranges of motion and speeds of motion. StrengthStrength can be defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system (neural system, muscular system) to create and exert force. A lack of strength limits the ability of the body to create force for a given athletic movement. In relationship to the golf swing, strength is a required component of the core. A large proportion of the force created in the golf swing is a result of the lower body and core musculature system. As a result, creating the force needed to develop club head speed is directly related to strength levels within these structures of the body. A lack of strength lessens to a degree the amount of force that can be created in the golf swing, thus reducing the amount of club head speed available to the golfer.EnduranceEndurance is the ability of the neuromuscular structures (muscular system, neural system, ligaments, and tendons) to perform the same athletic movement repeatedly over a specific amount of time. The golf swing is a repetitive athletic movement requiring the neuromuscular system to perform the same neuromuscular activity over and over again for a given number of swings, time, etc. This requires the body to move through a specific range of motion, with the correct speed of motion, coordinating the movements in the correct sequence, with the required force outputs (i.e. strength), and correct levels of endurance. A lack of endurance in the neuromuscular system will limit the ability of the individual to perform the components required of the golf swing listed above.PowerPower is the ability to create the greatest amount of force in a specified amount of time. Power is contingent upon the combination of strength and speed of motion. These two components working in conjunction create power. A decrease in strength or speed of motion limits the ability of power production by the neuromuscular system. The golf swing requires the body to produce power to deliver into the club head. The amount of time to perform this is limited and contained within the ranges of motion through which the body moves during the golf swing. The point to be made is that a direct connection exists for power production between range of motion, speed of motion, and strength. These three components working together determine the power outputs created by the body during the golf swing. SummaryThis article discussed an additional four components that are relevant to the core structure of the body and the golf swing. The key point to make between the topics discussed in this article and article number one is the connection between all of these components. Range of motion, speed of motion, balance, and coordination are contingent upon the points discussed in this article. The ability of the body to swing a golf club requires the ability of the body to have the required ranges of motion, speeds of motion, balance, and coordination to perform the swing. The development of flexibility, strength, endurance, and power within the body allows for these activities to occur. Thus all eight of these components (range of motion, speed of motion, balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, endurance, and power) are interconnected to perform a golf swing. The relationship to the core and these activities is a follows: the core region of the body is a main component of the golf swing. It is utilized greatly in all aspects of the golf swing from maintaining balance to creating power. The core can be considered to be the “engine” of the golf swing. Please visit our website at to get more information.Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2004 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website Check out his manual and DVD, Your Body & Your Swing, on To contact Sean, you can email him at

Swimming Pools

by: Jeff Lakie
Summer is a welcome treat, especially if you live anywhere that gets a lot snow over the winter! So when summer arrives, getting the pool open and ready is probably your highest priority, and your family and friends are likely already lined up with their swimsuits on!Starting your pool up for the seasonWhen starting up the pool for the first time in the season, you'll need to drain any water in the pool along with any antifreeze you used to keep the equipment free of ice. Then you can refill it, adding the chemicals necessary to continue keeping it clean for the summer.Keeping your pool clean throughout the seasonThroughout the swimming season you should be brushing the sides of your pool to loosen debris that collects there, you should be reversing your pumping system to help clean out any build up, and you should be vacuuming the water and skimming the surface. This will keep your pool in tip top shape through out the season and it will make your pool an enjoyable place to be near.Preparing your pool for winterAs winter approaches, and after everyone reluctantly takes that one final swim, you need to prepare it to sit dormant for the few months that you won't be able to use it. Drain the water below the freezing line, drain the water out of the plumbing, and filling the pump and pipes with antifreeze. Finally, cover it for the winter. And, if you get a lot of snow where you live, be sure to mark out where your pool is in case snow builds up and hides your pool, which creates a potential hazard that someone could fall in.Working on your pool can be a lot of work, but the time and expense involved in maintaining it is much less than the cost associated with repairing it if it does fall into disrepair. And, the squeals of delight from the children as they show off to their friends will make the few moments of work in the spring and autumn not seem so bad.